Techniques for Character Creation

Stop playing yourself Stuck in a rut of playing various versions of yourself onstage? Do you find yourself wishing your character work was more well-rounded? Tired of playing the same old characters onstage and need to get unstuck? This workshop will give participants several practical techniques that can be applied instantly or utilized in rehearsal …

Rhyme and Reason

Doth not misseth this The Soothplayers are famous for making up Shakespeare plays on the spot. This workshop will help you hone the skills they use to do so, especially improvising in verse, playing with both sound and sense. We will focus on the aspects of Shakespearean style that offer us strong improvisation tools: luxuriating …

Turning Improv to Sketch

Write it how you meant to say it If you love improv and are interested in getting more into sketch and other forms of scripted comedy, then this workshop is for you. In it, we will focus on techniques for using improv as a tool to create scripted comedic content. Students will learn to generate …

Improv for Business Success

It’s not just for funny people There’s more to Improv than comedy. In fact, it’s more about learning to “React, Adapt & Communicate,” as well as stay focused and present in the moment at a very high level. This workshop led by the Founder of LMA Professional Development will help think on your feet and …

Intro to Improv

All the funny.Without the money. FREE workshop by Laugh-Masters Academy. This is a free Intro to Improv Class taught in the unique style of LMA. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes and be prepared to move around and have some fun. Not sure if improv is for you? See what these people have to say. This workshop …

Performer Lineup Announced!

We are thrilled to announce our 2019 performers. There is something for everyone at The 2019 Australian Improv Festival. We’ve got long-form improv, short-form improv, musical improv, physical comedy, even Shakespearean improv comedy, and so much more. We have professional acts from all across Australia – and the world – coming together for three amazing …

Unplanned Melodies

Musical ensemble Watch and be amazed as an entirely original musical extravaganza is crafted and composed before your very ears. Inspired by stories from a guest speaker, Unplanned Melodies will add a musical spin to a classic improv format! Monologues will turn into musical masterpieces with characters chorusing and cruising from scenes into songs!   Performer …