Improv Ensemble

Born from the love of positive therapy, this troupe has created a unique recipe for a show that consists of art, health, and humour that will leave you feeling enlightened for days.

If the idea of downward-dogging up-close with hundreds of sweaty strangers is slightly daunting, you can inhale deeply and, now exhale – because the only people working up a sweat will be on stage.

Come prepared to have your facial muscles stretched, your heart open, and your belly filled with laughter from this karmic performance.

Together they will seek to explore the truth in relationships, with a show that is thought-provoking, real, raw, and vulnerable – and based on a true stories and personal experience.

This is Karaoki Yogi’s first major debut, and they are ready to let the dharma wheel roll.

Performer Bio

Karaoke Yogi train in Sydney at Laugh-Masters Academy (LMA) and are coached by improv legend, Jonathan Pitts.

This dynamically minded and culturally diverse team are considered to be one of the most refreshing acts to have emerged in the Sydney improv scene.

Catch their regular performances on Thursdays at LMA’s Indie Team Show at the Chippo Hotel.

Starring (in alphabetical order):
Bianca Vitale
Brad Kemp
Carolyn Mullen
Josh Ravindian
Maria Belousova
Patrick Marando
Scott Zhou
Susan Zheng
Veronkia Kryuchkova

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