Personal Storytelling

Tell it like it is… or was. First person storytelling shows are all the rage on stages and podcasts across the country. In this class, you will learn how to take true events from your own life and weave them into engaging performances. We will work on presentation, overcoming stage fright, story structure, different approaches, …

Musical Improv

Sing silly. Sing proud. Every improv scene is capable of carrying enough emotion behind it for the characters to spontaneously burst into song! But… Why this scene? Why this moment? Why do we care? Well, we will care about these scenes. And all these scenes will be songs! The focus of this workshop will be …

Trusting Your Creative Impulse

Get out of your head and into the scene This workshop focuses on how performers can find intimacy and familiarity with their scene partners, and create relaxed atmospheres to use as a creative impulse to drive scene work. The exercises work on getting performers out of their heads and using their energy to focus on …

Children’s Improv Workshop

Ages 10-15 In this Improv workshop for Young People we will start where it all begins, so no previous experience required. In this three hour workshop we will look at “yes, and…” – the basis of improv, storytelling and characters. Improv sharpens communication and public speaking skills. It also promotes fast thinking, engagement with ideas, …

Intro to Improv

All the funny.Without the money. FREE workshop by Laugh-Masters Academy. This is a free Intro to Improv Class taught in the unique style of LMA. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes and be prepared to move around and have some fun. Not sure if improv is for you? See what these people have to say. This workshop …