Musical Improv

Sing silly. Sing proud. Every improv scene is capable of carrying enough emotion behind it for the characters to spontaneously burst into song! But… Why this scene? Why this moment? Why do we care? Well, we will care about these scenes. And all these scenes will be songs! The focus of this workshop will be …

Trusting Your Creative Impulse

Get out of your head and into the scene This workshop focuses on how performers can find intimacy and familiarity with their scene partners, and create relaxed atmospheres to use as a creative impulse to drive scene work. The exercises work on getting performers out of their heads and using their energy to focus on …

Techniques for Character Creation

Stop playing yourself Stuck in a rut of playing various versions of yourself onstage? Do you find yourself wishing your character work was more well-rounded? Tired of playing the same old characters onstage and need to get unstuck? This workshop will give participants several practical techniques that can be applied instantly or utilized in rehearsal …

Rhyme and Reason

Doth not misseth this The Soothplayers are famous for making up Shakespeare plays on the spot. This workshop will help you hone the skills they use to do so, especially improvising in verse, playing with both sound and sense. We will focus on the aspects of Shakespearean style that offer us strong improvisation tools: luxuriating …

Turning Improv to Sketch

Write it how you meant to say it If you love improv and are interested in getting more into sketch and other forms of scripted comedy, then this workshop is for you. In it, we will focus on techniques for using improv as a tool to create scripted comedic content. Students will learn to generate …