Get out of your head and into the scene
This workshop focuses on how performers can find intimacy and familiarity with their scene partners, and create relaxed atmospheres to use as a creative impulse to drive scene work. The exercises work on getting performers out of their heads and using their energy to focus on and react to their scene partner, building narrative and relationships with depth and history.
The workshop will help you develop specific skills that enable you to perform grounded and vulnerable work that is engaging and funny. It will help people turn off the need to be clever and just be in the moment, fully.
Teacher: Luke Rimmelzwaan

Luke is a founding member and former Artistic Director of ImproMafia, one of Australia’s longest running impro companies. He has performed and taught improvisation around Australia and the world including in the Taipei, Manilla, Warsaw, Sydney and Wellington. Luke has developed many new improvised shows in a wide range of styles including Martini Time, Rock Pigs, Heartfelt High, Not 4 Kidz and Tales from the Old Country. His has also performed circus with Tofulama and has directed opera, musicals and short films. Luke has a degree in Theatre Studies from Queensland University of Technology’s Academy of the Arts.
Saturday, June 8
9:30am – 12:30pm
Venue: NSW Teachers Federation (See map below)
Capacity: 15
Please wear comfortable clothes and shoesLevel 3 improv and up experience required
Note: You will be redirected to the Laugh-Masters Academy website to register for this special workshop.