It’s the Queen’s Birthday* long weekend after all.

If there’s one thing we know it’s you can’t have a birthday without cake.

So, in the spirit of tradition, we’ve created the “Cake Prize” which will be awarded at the end of the festival to the performers who receive the highest praise from the commoners in the crowd.

This will be unscientifically and arbitrarily based on applause. And her majesty’s decision is final.

It even tastes funny.

And while the cake will most likely be purchased at the last minute from some dodgy supermarket, it will serve as a deliciously impermanent trophy of the highest order.

Because just like an improv show, when it’s gone, it’s gone. Never to be seen (or eaten again).

But the glory? That lasts forever.

*The Australian Improv Festival is held on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, which is celebrated on the second Monday in June in all states and territories except Queensland and Western Australia, because they don’t like her very much.

If you thought the Queen’s birthday was on 21 April, then well done you trivia master. She actually has two birthdays each year. Which, in theory explains why she’s so old. This is because, in the past, official celebrations to mark a King or Queen’s birthday in the UK were held on a day that isn’t their actual birthday. The double birthday tradition was started more than 250 years ago by King George II in 1748, who was a greedy bastard and never happy with the amount of presents he got.

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