AIF 2021 Cancelled.

AIF 2020 and 2021 postponed due to Covid-19. See you in 2022. Hopefully.

Details are developing… Subscribe for updates!

Returning to Sydney June 12-14, 2020. The fun starts in…

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Teacher & Perfomer Registration is OPEN!

The 2021 festival is still a ways off, in the meantime, get your improv comedy fix at Laugh-Masters Academy for weekly shows, free intro classes and regular term improv comedy classes.

Make the most of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend!

Acquire some new superpowers – Workshops held at the NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre in Surry Hills.

See hilarious local and international acts – Shows at the renowned Factory Theatre in Marrickville, Sydney.

Key Details

  • June 12-14, 2021
  • Sydney
  • Improv Comedy Shows
  • Improv Comedy Workshops
  • Improv for Business Workshops
  • Children’s Workshops
  • And more…

Confirmed Performers and Teachers from…

  • Around the world
  • And all across Australia!
  • Full list TBA

What’s this all about?

If you’re new to improv comedy theatre, the main thing to know is trained performers will spontaneously create characters, dialogue, and an entire show using your suggestions or stories as inspiration.

Every show is unique, never to be seen or repeated again. Ever.

It will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next, how the performers do it (hint, they took improv classes), and laughing along as unscripted scenes evolve before your very eyes.

And while you may be familiar with Whose Line is it Anyway, Thank God You’re Here or even TheatreSports, there’s so much more to improvisational theatre. (See: What is Improv?)

In fact, most of the funny people you love to watch on TV and in films got their start in improv, from Tina Fey to Steve Carrell to Amy Poehler to Will Ferrell.

So come see what it’s all about, have a laugh, take a workshop, and make some mates.


Tickets and registration for all shows and workshops opens in April! Make sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss out.

Subscribe now. Laugh later.

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All 2019 shows were 100% sold out at the Seymour Centre!

Sponsors + Partners

Contact us for sponsorship info.

Volunteer at AIF

Sign up to volunteer at the Australian Improv Festival and get free access to shows, plus other benefits, kudos, and swag.

You might be talking us up on social, pushing out promotions, producing shows, helping overseas guests find their way, or audience members find their seats.

Or maybe something else. Let us know how you’d like to help

Never miss a hop, skip or a beat. Subscribe.

The Australian Improv Festival is brought to you by Laugh-Masters Academy, Australia’s first and only long-form “Chicago style” improv and sketch comedy school operating in Sydney and Melbourne.